My new pattern. They named it "Obama"
Harry Potter marathon, Day 3
My last pattern, Bright said no one's ever made a chess board out of kente before.
Joshua's new bags (think all in this picture have sold already)
We set another record in July with 59 guests and are off to a good start in August with 16 already. Joshua designed new small bags after I describe some to him. They’re not what I described at all but they’re selling. With this many tourists we haven’t had the time to make stationery lately and we’re down to 5 cards left at the centre. My friend Megan from GVSU is coming to visit for 2 weeks on Saturday and she said she’d be glad to help make stationery.
Having my first visitor from the states is exciting. It’ll be great to see what a friend fresh from home thinks of it here. So far I can only tell people what it’s like, now someone will actually know which is cool. One of Megan’s suitcases will be devoted to me/PCV’s/Kpetoe coming here and to family on the way back which is also very cool. It’s gonna be like Christmas. Also we’re going to spend a few of the days doing touristy stuff that I haven’t even done yet like visiting slave forts, Kukum National Park, and at least a night at Green Turtle Lodge, the ultimate tropical lodge,
I asked one of my marketing profs from GV to put me in contact with the international marketing prof because I thought they might enjoy working on a project that is real and marketing isn’t my thing. Over 25 nationalities have visited Kpetoe in my time, that’s pretty international. I just got her summer classes’ final projects which were promoting our Kente Festival (Sept 30-Aug 5) and wow. There are some great posters, brochures, logos, tour group contact information, and the likes. She said that they really enjoyed doing it and she would love to have her winter semester promote kente in Kpetoe in general. Also my friend Jacquelyn, who is a graphic designer, is going to redo our brochures so it doesn’t look like a 5-year-old made them (me) and NCRC might sponsor them in their next budget in October.
I wasn’t even there but I laughed when Julie and Andrea told me about a team building meeting their NGO had. They split into groups and had to say what item they’d take if deserted on an island. The first Ghanaian said “Bible” and instantly another Ghanaian said “I was going to say that!” and snapped her fingers. The next person said “prayer” because bible was taken. Then it came to the other bible lady. She just couldn’t bring herself to bring anything else so she also said bible. So the group ended up taking 2 bibles, prayer, and a pocket knife (volunteer’s choice). The CEO of the NGO said, “Zat group doesn’t have a prayer.” (she’s French)
Basketball Court is up to $1,500, awesome!
I've tried to post this for weeks, hope it worked!
Nice going Danny, next time you do a viedo please say something :) I want little B to hear your voice before he sees you again.
Erging to just didn't miss a beat.
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