Thursday, September 10, 2009

Conference has been kinda long but very legit overall. Marcus and I have won 2 best of 7 Euchre series making us the best players in the country and it’s been great to catch up with some of the group. The hotel we’re staying at is hilarious. I call it an IKEA store cause everything looks really awesome but doesn’t work.
We had a person living with AIDs here in Ghana come and talk to us a few days ago and that was probably my favorite presentation so far. She was very calm but very powerful. Oscar forgot to bring a belt so on our way here he bought one with a belt buckle that says “NO!” in huge levels. We call it his chastity belt. Some of the statistics and whatnot are really staggering.
I know I’m still no HIV/AIDs expert so when I do the basketball gala and presentations I’ll have some of our more medically inclined PCVs come and present, I’ll ref the games. Gotta do what you do well.
We watched Game 5 of the NBA finals tonight and the commercials were almost as cool as the game.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

BEST euchre player in the country. damn. :)