Wednesday, December 17, 2008


No Danny is not posting about himself for his bday, the sis who posts pics for him is. So Danny I hope you get a chance to read this before your B-day if not it will make you laugh when you do. Here's bday memory from way back...with Danny's bday being so close to Christmas the one year Mom and Dad got some Sanata ice cream treats to go along with the cake and ice cream. By accident a plate with a few of them got left out after the party and over night, the next morning we were all shocked to find that they weren't melted or anything they were in perfect form and still looked like Santa. The pic above isn't of the exact product I can't remember those details but it's a similar product, makes you wonder what they're made out of. Seems like they could almost make it to Africa... Love ya and Miss you Danny boy! Happy Birthday on the 19th!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. Missed you at the Vainner X-mas.Once again it was very interesting, with the white elephant gifts. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!!