Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It’s been a pretty slow week but it’s still been pretty fun. After 2 months of shopping and miscommunication I bought a mini refrigerator, ya that’s right, cold water and I’ve even had leftovers once. Of course power has been out over half the days since I got it. Buying large things without access to a car is a lot harder than you think especially when you have to travel to the regional capital to get them. I should get my bike within the next 2 weeks. A bike and a fridge, can you say spoiled? I’ll just the bike home the 25 k from Ho.
The bats in my ceiling have reached an all-time high when it comes to annoying me. The last 4 nights I’ve been up from between 2-4 since they’ve been so loud. A few nights ago I was really mad and true to my roofer roots shimmied up on top of my bungalow and tried to scare them out. Crazy white man with a flashlight and a stick on top of his bungalow at 4 AM.
The power being out lately hasn’t really affected me too much since I spend a few hours a day at the weaving center. However, I will never think candles are romantic again. Bathing by candle light sounds like something out of a chick flick but it sucks.
I’m still by far the worst weaver ever but I’m not quite as loud as I was when I started spinning the thread. I finally have almost everything set up and ready to actually start, told you I was slow. Somehow I managed to be spinning the thread backwards once, Bright just gave me a really confused look and said, “That is a new method.” I think he was impressed.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

backwards-spun could try to market that to rich Americans and make them think its unique...maybe just without any pictures... :)