Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We’ve had around 30 tourists in the last 2 weeks, it doesn’t sound like much but it’s a really big deal to us. There is also a British film student from Ghanaian descent that is starting a documentary. She asked Bright, my kente teacher, to do an interview. I thought it was interesting how he didn’t think it was a big deal at all. I asked him why and he said, “They did not buy anything, I will not see the film.” I was going to go into my marketing rave about the merits of exposure but he’s right, a man’s gotta eat.
Pretty much every afternoon I now spend weaving. I’m catching on small small. It’s really great that my current pattern is easy because when tourists come I let them try it, they like that and it makes me feel better about my weaving. I have about 50+ feet done so far. When I make my first cut I’m going to get a smock made and then hopefully a camera case. In about a month I should finish this cloth and move up to level 2, I’ll go from 2 pedals to 4, scary.
Michael, Mathew, Salasas, and I had a good time throwing around the football the Benchys sent me. I was trying to teach them how to throw one and I realized I didn’t really know. Try explaining that you played for 6 years and never touched the ball. Michael can kick it back to me more accurate than throwing and they think long snapping is one of the funniest things ever.
The Grand Valley Rowing banquet was last weekend and I’m sad I couldn’t be there. 4 of my friends called after they closed the bar after it, 6:30 AM here. Jacquelyn was like “Was that a rooster?” Then they all wanted to here a rooster crow which apparently doesn’t occur outside of EVERY house back home. The problem is Michael is such a good kid that when I’m on the phone he scares away most of the animals, so I walked around my neighborhood trying to find roosters. I didn’t have to look far and they all got to hear one.
The main NGO that I’m working with is coming tomorrow because they really like the progress our tourism team has been making lately and want to start talking about the visitors centre! Therefore we had a meeting that took 4 hours today just prepping for it. I don’t want to get the guys’ or my hopes up too much but this is pretty much why I’m here so I’m excited.
Speaking of exciting, Maria. She’s from NYC (never even driven a car) and is really cool. Don’t worry, she’s a Mets fan. We went through training together and have stayed in touch as well as possible in PC. I really wish you guys could meet her, she’s amazing. We’ve talked about it a lot and we’re engaged. Does it get any better than “Ya, we met in the PC?” I couldn’t be happier.

“You are very slow ooo”-Oscar when he saw me weave for the first time.


Lindsey said...

Are you seriously engaged? Or is this payback for pretending Lisa was engaged??

PS I think its about time I send a letter since I now have more Ghana-price stamps than normal US stamps.... :)

Miss you!

Lisa said...
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Anonymous said...

Congrats Dan! Things always work out differently, and more amazing than you think they will.

I had a random dream about you...I was trying to learn how to be a stealth hunter, and you were training me to be more like a "lion in the grass." You just kept repeating was so funny.

-Lion in the Grass